e-Approval System

The eApproval System is a cloud-based workflow system that allows for online circulation and approval.

The system automates the approval process without the need for the issuer to manually approach each approver individually.

This Web-based system is mobile friendly and can be accessed by users from their mobile devices using the latest Web browsers like Google Chrome or Safari.


The total applications pending user action (for each workflow) is displayed on the system dashboard:


Data entry screen (customizable for each workflow):


Applications are organized in a list where users can perform filtering / sorting for easier reference. Users are also able to keep track of the status of applications related to them, i.e. Issuers are able to see the overall progress of their applications, while Approvers are able to see applications still pending their approval:


The system allows admin to specify multiple levels of approvers based on the requirements of that specific workflow:


Upon approval, system automatically notifies the next approver in line for approval, until the entire circulation is completed. System will periodically send out email reminders to the specific recipients for all outstanding action items:


Please feel free to contact us for more information!